vi reel septic pumping service

An important part of conducting proper maintenance is to properly clean and pump your septic system at regular intervals. Most experts recommend cleaning your septic tank every 3-5 years, but in some cases it’s a good idea to do it sooner. 

Knowing when you should have your septic tank cleaned earlier than 3-5 years after the last cleaning is important to avoid costly repairs and pollution of the water table around your septic system. Here are a few reasons to get ahead of the curve and clean your septic tank before waiting the full period:

Sewage backing up – when the septic tank gets full for whatever reasons, it will both overflow on the lawn and drain field area or it will back up into the house. A backup can also occur when there is too much scum which ends up blocking the inlet pipe in the tank. A sewage backup is not only annoying but also a serious health hazard and it should, therefore, be responded to promptly.

Environmental pollution – Almost all septic systems are strained from normal use, especially as many homeowners use substances that kill bacteria. However, this can be easily fixed through shock treatment. Failing to do this can cause a system failure. A failed system will pollute the groundwater, as well as nearby environment. It is mandatory in all jurisdictions to replace a septic system that is polluting the environment.

Drain field is clogging up – a filled up septic tank can result in a clogged drainfield. There are many indicators that point to a clogged drainfield, including small puddles or pools of water in your lawn, high nitrate concentrations in drinking water, bad odors, sluggish drains and grass becoming taller and greener around the drainfield area than in other areas of your property.

If it’s been a long time – this isn’t always a sign but it’s worth keeping in mind. If you haven’t pumped your tank at some point in the past 3 to 5 years, it’s a good plan to arrange a septic tank cleaning. Regularly pumping your septic tank every few years ensures the tank doesn’t fill up because if it does, it can start to back up or leak which will cause it to pollute the nearby environment. 

The best method for locating and servicing your septic drainfield is to call a qualified professional with experience in addressing septic issues and performing proper maintenance. The experts here at VI Reel Septic & Excavation Services are able to help you with all of your septic system needs. Contact us today at or call us at 1-250-323-1010 or toll free at 1-855-962-1562 to find out more about our services and how we can help you.