Three Ways to Keep Things Flushing Smoothly This Summer

When the temperatures rise and summer settles in, the last thing you want to deal with is a plumbing issue. An efficient, smoothly running plumbing system is an unsung home comfort hero, particularly in our toilets. However, these systems can face additional strain during summer due to increased usage and other seasonal factors. This article will guide you through three effective ways to keep things flushing smoothly this summer. These practical tips will help ensure your plumbing stays in top shape, preventing inconvenient and potentially costly problems before they have a chance to spoil your sunny season.

  • Be Mindful of What You Flush 

The summer season invites endless enjoyment under the sun. However, it is crucial to exercise caution when discarding items down the toilet. Strictly limit your flushes to human waste and toilet paper. 

Many individuals dispose of various items, including feminine hygiene products, wet wipes, and dental floss, which should never be flushed down the drain. Flushing such items can result in significant plumbing issues like clogs and backups. Even if an item claims to be biodegradable or flushable, it is prudent to consult your local water utility before discarding it in the toilet.

Additionally, be mindful of food waste, as it can cause clogs and backups that may lead to overflows and sewage problems within your residence.

  • Making Preventative Maintenance a Priority

It is recommended to have a septic tank pumped every two to three years on average, considering factors such as tank size and usage. However, in cases where there is a large household or infrequent flushing, it might be necessary to pump the septic tank earlier.

When conducting a septic system pump, it is crucial to remember that immediate flushing may not be possible after completion. The lines will still contain residual water that requires time to drain before normal flushing can resume. It is advisable to wait at least 24 hours before flushing again to prevent additional wastewater from being pumped into the leach field.

  • Water Conservation Practices

During the summer, water usage tends to increase, making it essential to prioritize water conservation and maintain a well-functioning plumbing system. By implementing water-saving practices, you can make a positive difference for both the environment and the overall performance of your plumbing. 

First, it is crucial to promptly address any leaks in your faucets, toilets, or pipes. Even the smallest leaks can lead to significant water waste over time. Installing low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators is another effective measure to reduce water consumption while ensuring satisfactory functionality.

Furthermore, cultivating water-conscious habits within your household is of utmost importance. Encourage family members to take shorter showers, collect and reuse rainwater for gardening purposes, and only operate the dishwasher or washing machine when there is a full load. 

These simple yet impactful adjustments will contribute to conserving water and relieving stress on your plumbing system throughout the summer.



Don’t let plumbing problems dampen your summer spirit. By following these three essential tips mentioned in this article, you can ensure that your flushing system operates smoothly throughout the summer.For any septic system needs—whether that’s installation, inspection, maintenance, or repair—VI REEL is a trusted service provider. Our expertise ensures that your system is fixed and optimally maintained for long-term performance. If you want to safeguard your summer against disruptive plumbing problems, reaching out to us is a wise first step. Call us at 250-323-1010 today.