Grease, debris, and various foreign objects that are not dissolvable can block your sewer line, making it hard for water to flow as it should. From our experience and that of our clients, the end result of this is not always pleasant, as the blockage often leads to the release of unpleasant odors and even potential damage to their property.

While some blockages within your fixtures or sink drains can be cleaned by yourself as a DIY project, some blockages exist deep in the sewer line that only professionals can clean. In this article, we will explore the process and benefits of sewer cleaning and why it’s crucial for your health and the environment.

Common Causes of Sewer Clogs

A lot of factors can cause your sewer line to clog, including:

  1. Grease and oil buildup: This is one of the major causes of sewage pipe blockage. When grease, fats, or oils get into the sewage pipe either through the sink or toilet, your sewage system could get clogged as these cooking by-products cool, hardens and stick to the inner walls of the sewer pipes.
  2. Tree root infiltration: Tree roots, when they come into contact with sewer pipes buried underground, can also cause your sewer to clog. In this instance, you will need to call a professional to help you out because if you attempt to sort this out on your own, you could damage even more pipes in the process.
  3. Aging infrastructure: Old pipes and home infrastructure can also subject your sewer system to getting clogged. Ideally, when this happens, instead of getting it cleaned, you will likely be advised to lay new sewer  pipes.
  4. Foreign objects: Another common cause of sewer line blockage is the presence of foreign, undissolvable objects in the pipes. When objects like baby diapers, tampons, wipes, children’s toys, hair, and many more get flushed in the toilet, your sewer line is at risk of getting blocked.
  5. External Debris: Leaves, branches, and other materials can also obstruct outdoor drains and gutters.

Benefits of Regular Sewer Cleaning

Sometimes, a clogged sewer doesn’t automatically mean the sewage system is completely destroyed. Sometimes, all that your sewage needs is proper cleaning by a professional to ensure the free flow of water. In this section, we will look at some of the benefits of cleaning your sewer pipes.

  1. Helps to Prevent Costly Backups and Repairs: Clearing blockages in your sewer line is essential for avoiding the potential nightmare of sewage backups. When a sewer line becomes clogged, wastewater from your sink and toilets will have nowhere to go and instead will return to your sinks, toilets, and even your basement. This not only creates a hazardous and unpleasant situation but can also lead to extensive water damage, unpleasant odor, mold growth, and contamination of your living space.
  2. Reduces Odors and Pests: Cleaning sewers helps eliminate foul odors that can emanate from accumulated waste and stagnant water in clogged pipes. When sewers are blocked, the trapped waste begins to decompose, releasing unpleasant smells that can become a huge problem for you and your neighbors. Also, tapped sewer water often attracts the attention of pests such as rats, mosquitoes, and many others. These pests can use your sewer line as a breeding ground, increasing the risk of them entering your home and compromising your health and safety.
  3. Saves Money: As they often say in the medical field, prevention is better than cure. When you clean your sewer lines, your sewer systems will last for many years, saving you a lot of money by replacing damaged pipes.
  4. Enhances Environmental Sustainability: Another benefit of cleaning sewers is to help prevent pollution and also protect aquatic ecosystems. When sewer lines are clogged, wastewater can overflow and find their way into the environment, contaminating soil and water sources. This pollution can have devastating effects on local wildlife, particularly in aquatic ecosystems where the introduction of contaminated water can kill them off .
  5. Protects public health: A clean sewer helps reduce pollution. It also helps to prevent the spread of diseases, especially waterborne diseases.

The Sewer Cleaning Process

If you are interested in cleaning your sewer pipes, there are various techniques you can use to identify and also remove blockages and debris from the pipes. The process typically includes:

  1. Camera inspections: In cleaning clogged pipes, you first of all need to identify where the blockage is and what is causing the issue. To identify all these, you would need to use a pipe inspection camera. This specialized camera is designed to navigate through the pipes, providing a clear view of the interior. It allows professionals to precisely locate the blockage, assess its severity, and determine the type of debris or obstruction causing the problem. By identifying all these, plumbers are better informed on the right approach to unclogging your sewer.
  2. High-pressure jetting: Another sewer process involves the use of high-pressure jetting to clear blockages in sewer lines and drains. This machine is equipped with a pressure hose with a specialized nozzle that blasts water at extremely high speeds through the pipes. The force of the water dislodges and flushes out stubborn debris or foreign objects that can’t easily be removed using traditional methods.
  3. Drain rods: This tool is used to clear stubborn debris blocking the drain pipe. They consist of a set of flexible rods that can be screwed together to extend their reach, allowing them to be pushed and twisted through the pipe. The rods are equipped with various attachments, such as augers or scrapers, to break up and remove blockages like leaves, roots, or other debris that may be clogging the drain. It should, however, be noted that drain rods, while having their advantages, if not used properly, can also punch a hole in your pipe, leading to leakages.
  4. Chemical treatments: For blockage caused by grease, fats, and oils, drain rods and high-pressure jetting can’t exactly flush them out of the sewage system. In dealing with this type of blockage, the most viable option is to use chemical treatments to break apart their thick, sticky consistency, which will in turn make it possible to flush them away.

End Note

As a homeowner, you should never wait until it’s too late before you clean your sewer! Regular sewer cleaning is essential not only for maintaining a healthy, safe, and sustainable environment but also for preventing costly repairs. That said, schedule your sewer cleaning with us today and breathe easy knowing your sewers are clear and flowing freely!