septic drainfield vi reel nanaimo

Finding your septic tank is a simple and straightforward task in most cases- all you have to do is look for the tell-tale septic risers that provide access to your septic tank, and you’ve found it. 

However, figuring out the location of your distribution box and dispersal field can be a bit more complex. Being aware of where your distribution box and dispersal field is located is important for maintenance purposes as well as making sure it doesn’t get inadvertently damaged. 

The importance of knowing where your septic tank is located is fairly obvious, but what about the distribution box and dispersal field? While wastewater from your home goes into your septic tank to settle out the solids, grease and fats. The septic dispersal field & soils is what purifies and filters the wastewater before returning it to the water table. A correctly functioning dispersal field or also called a basel area, removes any undesirable elements of your wastewater called effluent which should be 99% water and 1% contaminates as it is filtered through the soil and returned to the water table in your area. 

Being aware of where your septic drainfield is located also provides you with the peace of mind of knowing you aren’t accidentally damaging it. As a rule, you should never drive or park a vehicle over your septic drainfield as the weight of your vehicle can seriously reduce its function and may damage the piping system. You should also avoid using heavy equipment on top of your dispersal field for the same reasons.  

When landscaping or gardening you should also take care to not place any deep-rooted plants in the immediate vicinity of your septic drainfield. Flowers and small shrubs are ok, trees and larger shrubs like rhododendrons are best planted elsewhere. Best practice is sod/lawn which helps collect and uses rainwater to minimize saturation. 

Locating your distribution box and dispersal field can be more challenging if the previous owners of your home neglected to keep up with regular maintenance which is often seen. 

One of the best ways to locate your distribution box and dispersal field is to contact a septic service provider. In an ideal scenario the previous owners will have provided you with the septic records, including installation and maintenance records. If you don’t have these documents, the best alternative is to contact your local health district  to see if they have a septic map on record. 

If neither of these options resolve the issue, then looking for visual indicators that can point you in the right direction is the best alternative. Although septic drainfields aren’t as readily identifiable as septic tanks, there are a few signs that you can spot if you know what to look for. 

Looking for slight depressions and bumps in the ground can be a good way to find your septic drainfield, as most drainfields have tell-tale trenches that are created when they are first installed. Overly green or brown grass in a particular area can also be a sign of a septic drainfield underneath. 

The best method for locating and servicing your septic drainfield is to call a qualified professional with experience in addressing septic issues and performing proper maintenance. The experts here at VI Reel Septic & Excavation Services are able to help you with all of your septic system needs. Contact us today at or call us at 1-250-323-1010 or toll free at 1-855-962-1562 to find out more about our services and how we can help you.