Septic Inspection

vi reel excavations nanaimo

Giving You Clarity

Get the clarity and peace of mind that you've been looking for with our septic inspection services. Annual maintenance checks will allow us to advise you when you should pump out your septic tank, based on its condition and usage. During our inspection, we will also clean filters that require yearly maintenance and inspect the outlet baffle (the transition point from the tank to the septic field) to ensure it is in adequate condition.

Many older systems have concrete baffles that degrade over time. This leads to solids entering your septic field which creates health hazards and required repairs. VI Reel Septic & Excavation can also measure the level of sludge at the bottom of the tank and the level of scum (or crust) that is near the surface of your septic tank. If maintenance of your septic system is neglected, sludge can fill the septic tank causing it to fail.

Many real estate transactions involve a septic system inspection. Given the high cost of replacing a faulty septic system, many mortgage brokers require this as a condition of purchase. At VI Reel Septic & Excavation we provide comprehensive septic system inspection services so you can buy and sell your home with confidence. We take pride in providing our clients with professional and easy-to-understand reports of their septic system inspection results.

Start Now

At VI Reel we are available to assist you in your septic & excavation needs, including septic installations and repairs, stump removal, grading, fencing and more. Based in Nanaimo, we operate across Central Vancouver Island.

We also provide professional septic inspection services, especially handy for those buying and selling their home.

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